7 research outputs found

    Securing the Skies: Cybersecurity Strategies for Smart City Cloud using Various Algorithams

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    As smart cities continue to evolve, their reliance on cloud computing technologies becomes increasingly apparent, enabling the seamless integration of data-driven services and urban functionalities. However, this transformation also raises concerns about the security of the vast and interconnected cloud infrastructures that underpin these cities' operations. This paper explores the critical intersection of cloud computing and cybersecurity within the context of smart cities. This research is dealing with challenges posed by the rapid expansion of smart city initiatives and their reliance on cloud-based solutions. It investigates the vulnerabilities that emerge from this technological convergence, emphasizing the potential risks to data privacy, urban services, and citizen well-being. The abstract presents a comprehensive overview of the evolving threat landscape that smart cities face in the realm of cloud computing. To address these challenges, the abstract highlights the importance of proactive cybersecurity strategies tailored specifically to the unique needs of smart cities. It underscores the significance of adopting a multi-layered approach that encompasses robust encryption protocols, intrusion detection systems, threat intelligence sharing, and collaborative efforts among stakeholders. Drawing insights from existing research and real-world case studies, the abstract showcases innovative solutions that leverage advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain to fortify the security posture of smart city cloud infrastructures. It explores the role of data governance, user authentication, and anomaly detection in creating a resilient cybersecurity framework that safeguards critical urban systems

    Pre-clinical study of Siddha Drug AAVARAIPANCHAGA CHOORANAM for its Hypoglycemic, Hypolipidemic and Anti oxidant activities

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    In this dissertation work, I have selected “Aavarai panchaga choornam” from the classic Siddha Literature “Kannuswamy patharthagunavilakam” authored by Si.Kannusaamypillaifor the evaluation of safety, efficacy and therapeutic potency in “Madhumegam” for its Hypoglycemic, Hypolipidemic and Anti – oxidant activities. ❖ Aavarai panchaga choornam is a herbo - mineral preparation. It is very effective and traditionally used in the treatment of Madhumegam (Diabetes mellitus). ❖ Collection of literature reviews regarding the ingredients of trial medicine carried out in siddha aspect, geochemical aspect, botanical aspect and Pharmaceutical review. Various collection of siddha and modern literatures about the ingredients of the drug supports the fact of Hypoglycemic activity and their role in maintaining blood glucose level. ❖ All the ingredients of the trial drug APC were collected from the Rajendra raw drug shop at Nagercoil district, Tamilnadu and collected from fields in Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu. Each ingredient verified and authenticated by the Gunapadam experts from the department of PG Gunapadam of Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai. The trial drug was prepared as per the procedure given in the literature of “Kannuswamy pathartha gunavilakam”. ❖ The siddha standardization of the trial drug Aavarai panchaga choornam indicates the drug is brown in colour and coarse nature in powder form and completeness of the drug. Organoleptic characters are brown in colour, pleasant odour, astringent in taste, coarse powder in appearance. ❖ Physicochemical analysis of “Aavarai panchaga choornam” shows, (a) The percentage of loss on drying at 110C is 1.5%. The low moisture content of the drug reveals the stability and its shelf-life. The water soluble ash value of APC was 9.8%. The water soluble ash value is higher than acid insoluble ash. It represent the good quality of the drug APC. Acid-insoluble ash value of the prepared formulation APC (1.5%) shows that a very small amount of the inorganic component is insoluble in acid. (b) Water-soluble extractive values of Aavarai panchaga choornam is 9.8%. Higher water-soluble extractive value implies that water is a better solvent of extraction for the formulation (c) Aavarai panchaga choornam shows alkaline pH (7.50). The pH level plays a role in enzyme activity by maintaining the internal environment thus regulating the homeostasis. It also an important factor for drug absorption. ❖ Microbial limit test shows viable aerobic and fungal counts within normal level and specific pathogens Escherichia coli, Salmonella Sp, Pseudomonas Proteus vulgaris and staphylococcus aureus are nil. Therefore, the test drug is free from any microbial contamination and it has standard quality. The information obtained from microbial screening tests will be use full in finding out the quality of the drug. ❖ Biochemical analysis shows the presence of Sulphate, Ferrous iron and Amino acids ,Starch,Reducing sugars,Unsaturated compounds in trail drug. Sulphate produced a better controlled effect on the blood sugar level. Iron were associated with a lower risk of high cholesterol levels and reductions in atherosclerosis. Amino acids increasing effect on HDL – cholesterol and decreasing effect on VLDL – cholesterol. ❖ GC-MS Study shows the presence of these compounds such as. 4,(4 Diethylamino-1-methyl butylamino)-1,2 dimethoxy 6-bromonapthalene, 1, 1-cyclobutanedicarboxamide, 2-phenyl-N-N1- bis(1-phenylethyl), corynan-17-ol, 18.19-didehydro-10-methoxyacrtate (ester), 13, 16, -octadecadiynoic acid, methyl ester, cyclopentanepropanoicacid, 3, 5bis(acetyloxy)-2-(8-(acetoxy)-3-methoxymino)-octyl-methylester. ❖ SEM analysis of the APC shows that the uniform distribution of particles presents in the entire field. Most of the particles present in the sample are Nano size. So, the absorption is more and very minimal quantity of the medicine is enough to treat the disease. ❖ FTIR instrumental analysis was done. The test drug was identified to have 12 peaks. They are the functional groups present in the trial drug Aavaraipanchaga choornam. The above table shows the presence of carboxylic acid, Alkanes, Alkenes, Nitro compounds, Flurocompounds, Halocompounds and Aromatic compounds.Carboxlic acid acts as Anti inflammatory, Antioxidant property Alkanes have (2,3 & 4alkyl groups bonded to the carbon atoms of double bond are disubstituted, trisubstituted, exhibit high antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory activity. Nitrocompounds have anti-inflammatory properties], antioxidant property and hypolipidemicactivity Fluorocompounds has antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti tumor and antioxidant activities.Alkyl halides and aryl halides have little biological activity. They protect against bacteria and fungi. Aromatic compounds They have anti-inflammatory, anti diabetic and antioxidant activities. ❖ ICP – OES reveals high concentration of important minerals like C, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P and Zn Calcium can release insulin from the islet of Langerhans.Iron was associated with a lower risk of high cholesterol levels and reductions in atherosclerosis. Presence of iron in the drug has increased hemoglobin concentration in the blood.Potassium and Sodium Both reduce blood sugar level.Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the body. It helps regulate blood sugar level.Phosphorus, it is an important constituent of phosphate buffers in the blood and urine.Sulfur helps to make the cells rigid and protect cell damage from disease.Carbon is the regulator of the body pH and proper functioning of the digestive. ICP – OES also revealed below detection level of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead and nickel. Hence, it is safe and it has free from toxic substances. ❖ From XRD results this sample is known exhibit crystalline and amorphous nature. Sharp and narrow peaks represent the amorphous nature. This is about 71.1% of the sample. The ensures the stability of the drug. Remaining 28.9% represent crystalline in nature. An amorphous material can be substantially more souble than corresponding crystalline material as much as 1600 times more soluble. The increased solubility leads to bioavailability advantages of APC. This XRD finger print shows both the similarities and differences of the sample successfully and is a valuable primary tool for checking the quality control of Herbal formulations. The different peaks show the presence of minerals in the samples. ❖ Acute oral toxicity study, the rats were treated with different concentration of APC from the range of 5mg/kg to 2000mg/kg. This dose level did not produce the signs of toxicity, functional and behavioural changes, and mortality in the test groups observed during 14 days of the acute oral toxicity experimental period. In Acute oral toxicity test the APC was found to be nontoxic upto the dose level of 2000mg/ kg body weight. These results showed that a single oral dose of the PSP showed no mortality of these rats even under higher dosage levels indicating the high margin of safety of this drug. ❖ The dose selected for the 28 daysof repeated dose sub acute oral toxicity study was 200mg, 300mg and 400 mg/kg of APC All the animals were free of intoxicating signs throughout the dosing period of 28 days.Overall observations were similar in both sex rats. The values are non significant. No clinical signs of toxicity were observed. There is a slight variations in the values but they are within the non significant ranges. No mortality was observed after 28 days repeated dose administration of APC. All animals were survived up to study termination period. Hematological and biochemical parameter are normal. No adverse changes with general behavior of rats and also there were no observable detrimental effects (200 to 400 mg/kg) over a period of 28 days.Hence the drug APC can be considered to be safe drug for prolonged use as revealed by toxicological studies. ❖ Hypoglycemic activity results showed, the administration of APC at 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg, increase the body weight, reduce the blood glucose level in both fasting and postprandial state, reducing glycosylated hemoglobin level, increase the plasma insulin level and enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism such as hexokinase, Glucose – 6 – phosphate and Glucokinase in STZ induced hyperglycemic rats. It reveals the Hypoglycemic activity of APC ❖ Hypolipidemic activity results showed, the administration of APC at 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg, decrease both blood lipid and liver lipid level of the total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL and increase the HDL. And it also decrease the SGOT, SGPT, blood urea, protein and blood glucose level in Atherogenic diet induced hyperlipidemic rats. It reveals the Hypolipidemic activity of APC. ❖ The result of antioxidant activity (DPPH assay) of APC indicate that there was a concentration dependent Anti-oxidant activity of the trail drug this prevents further damage of nerve and other somatic cells. ❖ Antimicrobial study of the test drug results were indicated, that APC is resistant to Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris and Candid asp. ❖ Siddha medicines are based on Panchabhootham, Arusuvaiand thiridhosas. As per Siddha system disease is caused by derangements in vital humours. ❖ As in the quote of “gfh;gpj;jtpe;ijayhJNkfk; tuhJ”mega disease is caused by derangement of pithahumour. Literary evidences show that madhumegamcomes under the pitha variety of mega noi 20. ❖ The increased pithahumours also increase hunger and thirst. Polyphagia and Polydipsia are also one of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. ❖ Hence the drug Aavarai panchaga choornam has an astringent taste. It acts as an antagonist for the taste normalized the pithahumour in the disease Madhumegam. ❖ Thus the medicine Aavaraipanchaga choornam gives the best action to treat the disease Madhumegam. ❖ Based on the results presented in this study, it can be concluded that Aavaaraipanchaga choornamexerts significant Hypoglycemic, Hypolipidemic and Anti – oxidant activity. CONCLUSION: From the literature review and the results of Siddha standardization and Physico-chemical, Bio-chemical and Phytochemical analysis, Microbial limit tests, Instrumental analysis, Toxicological, Pharmacological studies it has been concluded that The trial drug is a Aavarai panchaga choornam in selected from the text book of “Kannuswamy pathartha guna vilakam- mooligai varkam” page no.64, authored by Si.Kannusamy Pillai got a significant Hypoglycemic, Hypolipidemic and Anti-oxidant activity. So it can be safely used for Madhumegam as an effective drug

    A novel dyadic multiresolution wavelet image steganography using N-ary

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